Saturday, November 12, 2011


Through all the stress of school, I've been seriously contemplating on some things pretty hardcore.

Been noticing how many writty things I have. Or, places where I can keep some sort of journal. (LJ, Tumblr, Deviantart, BlogSpot...) I think through school, I should try to write a little more on those. I feel like if I do, it'll not just keep my stress level down, but it'll also help increase my creativity. I have so many ideas flowing through my head, on top of a collab project which I've been wanting to start for nearly a year now, with my bff Nightborn. So many books yet to read, so many things left to write, so much anime left to watch, and yet here I am, still busy in school.

Provided I don't pass my Pharm class, I'll probably have to pick up a second job just to 1) get hours, and 2) pay back my student loans. While that goes on, I can see myself having more luxury to write again;; though, I really do hope I pass my Pharmacology class. It's not easy, but I'm too stubborn to back down. Some days I think I should've been born a Taurus instead of a Cancer.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Another semi-large update the fewest words possible.

To start off, Pharmacology is kicking my ass at school. Out of 15 people, 13 are failing. We all study our asses off--myself included. The professor can't teach. Simple as that.

Next to studying most of my days away, I started playing Breath of Fire (1) for the GBA. Believe me, the SNES version is top priority on my list. However, I was close to beating the game, when I found out that using one of the badass dragon spells.... can, well, only be used once... .-. Which means i'm not going to get the ZOMGAWESOMEBEST ending. Lame. Oh well. I also fixed my NESten. <3 Which made me happy until I found out that the copy of FF2 I have was horribly translated. I went on a rant about that on my tumblr. "sldkfjsld5 lskd34lkjl" is not what I'd like to see upon winning a battle. Just sayin'. So I picked up my GBA and started playing that. Things were going fine and dandy on there, until just tonight it started to act wonky when I'd go to save. Siiigh. Looks like I'm going to have to pick up another copy of FF I&II Dawn of Souls. There are reasons why I love Amazon. Unfortunately, I cannot buy anything until it gets closer to December. Why? Because I want to fly out to see my boyfriend again. .-. And, tickets aren't exactly cheap. At least, not for me. I'll probably be looking at anywhere from $500-600. But uh... if it does end up being over $500, sorry hon, but I can't do that. I could use that to buy some christmas presents to put under our tree this year. Seeings as money is pretty tight at home. Thus is life though.

After messing with FFII, I decided to try playing Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories on my VBA. What do I have to say to it? Meh. It's... alright. But then again, I just started it, so I guess I'll have to wait to find out. Sometime tells me I'm already fucking up on that though.

My kitten that I picked up in July is also finally able to get fixed. He goes next Tuesday. Which makes me happy, because then I don't have to worry about him being a man whore, getting other strays in the neighborhood pregos (heaven forbid we have enough stray cats as it is. I certainly don't need him contributing to that.), don't have to worry about him spraying, and no worries about him getting testicular cancer. <3 I'm quite on top of things. I do wish, however, that my folks would hurry up and get the puppy-that-they-just-had-to-have her vaccinations. If they miss a certain time frame, they have to start her vaccination series allllllll over again. On top of that, there's been a pretty nasty Lepto outbreak around here. And I for one, don't want to get Lepto. If I get it from that puppy, there are going to be problems. .___. Serious problems.

However, I must get back to studying for my classes, seeings as they're all kind of kicking my ass lately, on top of starting to come down with some kind of illness. Hrm!!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

It appears to be a very anime-season.

I’d be much more happier if I actually had time through school to sit down and watch these, but about the only thing I have time in my schedule for is the new Thundercats series and Adventure Time. HOWEVER, for those who didn’t know, the lovely G4 has been kind enough to adapt some popular Marvel anime cartoons into their busy schedule. (When I say busy, I mean too lazy to take some of their more horrid shows and replace them with these little gold nuggets.)
Those unaware, the new anime series that hit the television this late summer/early autumn were Wolverine, Iron Man, Blade, and X-men.
You can watch their trailers via: or hit ‘em up on youtube.
You can also get more information on them here:
X-men will be showing Fridays at 11pm ET, or Sundays at 9am ET.
Wolverine was apparently on last Thursday at 9am. What a “convenient” time. .-. Maybe if G4 took some of their COP and Cheater shows down, they could make more room for their so-called “Marvel Friday”. Having just X-men on at 11pm on a Friday isn’t exactly a “Marvel Friday”.
In any case, if you’re interested in checking any of these out, you can check it out here:
The above link will help you determine possible times.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Ah, the autumn season.

Been busy with school lately. Not much has gone down. Been doing a lot of this hardcore study stuff that I lacked back during the summer. No idea why it's so much harder for me to study in the summer. I guess because I never had school in the summer, so because of that, my mind had vacation in sight, while my grades suffered. Not any more.

However, I have been playing a lot of Terraria, Spiral Knights, (just bought the OFFICIAL copy of) Minecraft, and I've been playing my Pokémon Emerald version, annnnd the GBA version of Breath of Fire. I forgot a lot about BoF, but it is such a badass game. Not a complicated plot--very simple. And the characters are fairly simple too. I have quite a ways to go on that game, because I was originally playing the SNES version on my desktop back before it wiped. ): On a brighter note, I reactivated my tumblr. ( ). Nothing else has been happening though. Though I've been actively posting spontaneous stuff on tumblr. HOWEVER, I will also be transferring posts on to here too, seeings as this is also my blog. (Tumblr isn't really that fancy. Just sayin'.)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I... have made... partial progress... I am not dead. O_o Just throwin' that out there.

I have made quite the progress on my Black&White versions. Though I've also been swamped with schoolwork. (Yeah, what else is new? That's why I've personally excluded myself from the questions, "What's new?" and "What are you doing?" Because generally it's doing homework while multitasking with playing some sort of handheld. Generally one of my Pokémon games, because I don't have to put much attention forth to them. That is one reason why they are one of my favorite series. Because... I can play multiple games at once, OR, I can actually do schoolwork AND STILL PLAY GAMES! <: It's magical.

I haven't made much progress on either Yellow versions, but they're almost beaten. I think I'm on the 6th or 7th badge. I've had my desktop powered down for a few days, so I can't really say off hand. I've made it to the 7th gym badge on my Black Version, and the 8th on my White version. I also still have to go to Toys'R'Us so I can get my eggies. *-* But... I still have until the end of May to do that. /yawn~ I'm in no real hurry to get those. I've still got many real life things to take care of, such as plant my garden, and start reading these mountains of books I have accumulated... My whole 10 week reading challenge? Failed. Haha! I've been so swamped. I haven't really had much time to read. (I exclude reading textbooks as reading... because... it's kind of forced...)

Also, I happily order a commission from one of my favorite artists. I'm so excited to see the finished results. <3 For those of you who actually read this and are curious, check out this: She does wonderful commissions. <3

Lastly, because I have nowhere else to put a quote that I've direly been searching to fit somewhere, here is where I'll put it. "I don't care if I get motion sick. I want to play games beside you. You are my best friend, and my lover. I would do absolutely anything for you. Even if it means throwing up now and then. Big deal. It's just stomach acid. Just as long as I'm beside you, that's all that really matters."

-Danii, signing off... from a rough and sketchy, as well as unorganized blog. xD

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Progress... Sorta.

With the exception of school holding me back a bit, I've made some progress.

Still taking a break from TLoZ: Oracles of Seasons, still playing through Pokemon Black&White, made it through the first chapter of Dawkin's "The Greatest Show on Earth", and I've started up playing the American and Japanese Pokemon Yellow: The Special Pikachu Edition simultaneously. Asides from that, I haven't really done much else, due to both work and school. However, tomorrow I will be at a RUSH concert, so I should have pictures and much more from there. I will update again whenever time has been allotted.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Now with a side dish of Mystery~

...or just plain curiosity.

So a friend of mine showed me the Lost Silver hacked Pokémon game. I thought it was pretty interesting, and it actually made sense to me. She was kind of confused what the point of Celebi was, and I told her that it's known as the Time Traveling pokémon. Once understanding that, the whole thing fell into place as far as making sense goes.

Today, however, I was shown "Hypno's Lullaby".  I am -extremely- skeptical of this. So skeptical, that I'm going to use both my cartridge FireRed, and a different one to see if it is actually in game. If it was a hacked version that this person bought, then well, they wasted their money. Part of the reason why I'm skeptical is because in the entry, the author does not say -where- exactly the cave is, or even how far into the game they are. Just that they're "leveling their team up for the elite four". There were no hidden caves what so ever in the non-hacked version, much like the person states as they're scrambling through different guides to figure out what the hell is going on. However, Nintendo isn't a sick company. ._. And GameFreak would never -ever- put something like that into their game. That's what makes me firmly believe it was a hacked copy. But, that is also why I am going to use two different games to see if this cave really does exist, and if so, where it is.

I tried googling up a location for this so-called "Lullaby's Cave", and the only thing that came up was the wikia article. Go figure, right? No youtube videos or nothing. So it's probably just another one of those every day Memes. Either way, I'm very convinced that it's not true. At least there was evidence of Lost Silver, not to mention a video. This one doesn't seem to be as... solid in the foundation. None the less though, even though the story ruined poor Hypno, it's still an interesting story. And just so everyone gets this straight, the entry says, " It carries a pendulum-like device. There once was an incident in which it took away a child it hypnotized." A. Child. Not children. "Once was an incident." Once. Not multiple. So when I read the dialog saying "Children", that instantly makes me think it's fake. ._. Nothing about it makes sense. There really is only a select few ways to find out though. ~.~ Might as well start to it. I'm fairly certain though that it is just one of those creepy stories that just makes you sit there and think. I guess Creepypasta is good for that. -Shrug-

On a brighter note more worth attention, I found a website that lets you watch Pokémon episodes. <3 That made me quite happy. No downloading or nothing. It's a wonderful thing.

Off for the night, though. Wrestling with a printer is just too much work. That's more than my fair share of ink.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


So, however says that free books are "meh", the leave. Please. Free books are amazing! That is one thing I absolutely love about my Baker College (I'm sure all of their campus do the same thing). When they go to make room for new books in their library, they set out a couple of carts of older books that the students can take. You can take as many as you want... for free. Free books!? Fuck yea! Count me in. I picked up a lot. And while I know they have updated versions, I can still either read them, or use them for references.

Here are the list of books I obtained:
  • Medical Terms -- Their Roots and Origins; A.R.Tindall
  • Dictionary of Biotechnology; J. Coombs
  • Stedman's Medical Speller; Stedmans
  • Common Medical Abbreviations; Luis R. DeSousa
  • Veterinary Clinical Parasitology; Margaret W. Sloss, Russell L. Kemp, Anne M. Zajac
  • Microbiology for Veterinary Technicians; Ikram and Hill
  • Physiological and Clinical Anatomy of the Domestic Mammals; A.S. King
  • Awake to Wildlife -- Great Lakes Wildlife Almanac; Tim Nowicki (Just for funsys)
  • Michigan Trees Worth Knowing; Norman F. Smith (Another just for funsys)
As you can see, I have an awkward style of "pleasure reads". But that's what makes me that much more interesting. Or... dorky... if you want to call me that. Either way, I'm -very- excited. I just have to figure out where I'm going to cram these. I have so many books, it isn't funny. x_o Well... it kinda is... But still. I need a bigger bookshelf. I really do... So many cookbooks, guildbooks, dictionaries, novels, manga... xD; I found out how many manga books I really have when we had to clear my room out for painting last spring. It was uh... quite pleasing, to some degree.

Any way, busy busy student with school work. So I thought I would leave a short note stating that I not only have a weird interest in books for reading, but also that I do plan to read them. I don't think I'll write anything about them though. You all might not find that interesting.

Danii signing off. :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Homework Monster woke up. Homework Monster attacked with...

Yeaaa... That's right. ): College started back up this week. That means loads of homework and limited time for video games. No more can I marvel at my Minecraft creations. (Oh man, whatever will I do without my Minecraft~. /sarcasm)

Any way, on top of starting school, I started a 10 week reading challenge for myself. I'm started reading the brilliant book by Richard Dawkins entitled The Greatest Show On Earth. This man... he is fuckin' brilliant! I loved his series The Blind Watchmaker. I'm still interested in reading the book to that. He has so many good books, that I totally fan-girl over them. Even if my shameful country is included with this so-called "40 per-centers". Hell, I knew when it wasn't included in the "#1 Best Sellers" list, that uh... the U.S. was going to be in there. And sure enough, it was. I got a good laugh out of it. It's so true, and that's exactly why I hate my country some times. Because you have uneducated, religious things who think they're people, on top of thinking that you can teach the fictional course such as Creationism. Any teacher who teaches that, it must be painful for the scientist, but the teacher who enjoys teaching fables who is not an English major should uh... not have a job. .__. (That was the nicest thing I could say about it.) This book... oh man. It's so wonderful. And I'm not even all the way through the first chapter yet. Richard Dawkins, you may already know this, but you are a BRILLIANT man! I know that this book is going to be a good read. :)

I should also mention that I'm almost done with the first book to the Harry Potter series. It's a pretty quick read, I think. It flows nice and smooth, doesn't dabble any, and is straight to the point. Brilliant book as well. I can't believe I've waited this long in my life to read it. I'm looking forward to getting the second book eventually. When I'll have the time to read it, I have no idea.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Still working my way through.

So, just to lay it out there, I fail at Zelda games. I'm terrible at them, but it doesn't keep me from playing them. I think I went on a rant for at least an hour about how I hate the Level 4 Mid-Boss from Oracles of Seasons, to my boyfriend who happened to be playing Oracles of Ages at the same time. Ironic, but made me laugh none the less. Stupid Agahnim. )< I'll whoop his butt some time. ._.; But it made me stop for a moment after he shanked me 5 consecutive times... And yes, I was attacking the one with the shadow underneath...

Anyway, it pissed me off so bad that I had to go punch tadpoles and pigeons on my Black Version. Ever since the release of Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, it's always been within my interest to have a team of pick-up users. So I'm training a team of Lillipups. Pick-Up users, depending on the patience you have, can be a great investment. I like having a lot of items so I can carelessly use them instead of running to the Pokémon center because I don't have any potions. On top of that, it saves me from having to buy Ultra Balls and Hyper Potions in the end. Which means, more money to blow on lemonade and MooMoo milk. Yay~.

I almost might take another break from Zelda though, so I can write about Dragon Quest/Warrior II and III already. I mean, those games take at least... 2 days tops to beat? They don't take me long, but maybe that's because you can like, beat the game at level 30 tops. Hmm. I should also probably put Minecraft on hold... but uh... that's pretty hard to do. After I beat Seasons, I'll probably start on Ages too. Ages has a lot of my favourite music. I'm not much a fan of the dungeon music in Seasons, but I like the puzzles in Seasons better. Also, you get a Rod of Seasons to mess with. How much more fun could that be? I'd jump on a stump and swing it around if it meant melting all this stupid snow. The world would hate me though. x; Cause I'd only let it be winter for a short time. And then the ecosystems would be destroyed and utter chaos would rain free... I'd probably get jumped by a biker gang of polar bears and penguins too.

That's probably where I'll leave me thoughts for the day. Not much else to write about since Agahnim schooled me. ._. Frickin' douche bag.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Breekachu ist diesen Star!

Random title for the day because quite frankly I don't feel like thinking up one.

I lied about playing through Dragon Quest/Dragon Warriors this weekend. Whatever you want to call it. I was too ingrossed in playing through Pokemon Black&White and The Legend of Zelda: Oracles of Seasons. Yup. I busted out my GBA SP and my Oracle cartridge and boom. Starting playing me some Zelda. It's going to take a while, as I'm half way through the game, BUT, there won't be much of a review on it from me. Why? Because it's fuckin' Zelda. 'nough said about it right there. I mean, if it were one of the newer Zelda releases, maybe. But in all seriousness, these games have been around for a while. About the only thing I could do is talk about how Oracles of Ages had better music. For the most part though, this game is just badass on its own. No review needed. ;3

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Yup. Games.

Skipping through the formalities, lately I've had quite the plateful of video games going on. I've been playing Pokémon Black&White while sculpting my Final Fantasy castles on Minecraft. Yup, I'm addicted to Minecraft. Or as my friend Dave calls it "Mindcrack". And yes, I've been playing Pokémon Black&White at the same time. You might be all, "Omg nowai. Howudodat?" Well, there is really nothing to it. ._. It's a turn-based game. It's stupidly easy to do... You just need to have 2-3 DSs. In my case, I have a DSi and two DSLites. So if I wanted to, I could play either my HeartGold, SoulSilver, or my Platinum game along with it. But, why would I do that, when I already have three games running? I -could-, but I won't. The movement between the idle battles on Pokémon, and switching between those and straining focus on Minecraft has been enough to make headaches occur and yes, even at times, make me motion sick. Motion sickness sucks, by the way, for those who don't know.

Anyway, I must say, about what I've played through on Black&White so far... The story line is... kinda interesting to some degree. It's short, mind you, but none the less, it is rather interesting. I'm not a fan of a lot of the newer Pokémon, but then again, in a world of classic games that eventually go too far, who is? I do like some of them, mind you. Emolga is just frickin' adorable, though due to it's stats and move pool, I'd never use it on my team. I am, however, disappointed with the starting Pokémon. What's this? ANOTHER FIRE/FIGHTING TYPE!?!?!?! What ever happened to the Fire/Flying or the pure Fire types? Oh wait. They became non-existant when everyone went on their Blazekin rave. Mind you, I absolutely loved Blazekin. I also don't like how they changed some of the moves around. Some of them are pretty good, but then others I wish they hadn't changed. Here is an example.

So, I'm leveling up my Munna (for those who don't know what the hell that is, it's a purple elephant that eats dreams. Kind of like a Heffalump). Upon reaching the right level, my Munna learns Nightmare. My reaction from my past experience with my love for Gengar and Spiritomb was, "Fuck yea! I loves me the Nightmare!" Well, uhh... It sucks balls now. Instead of being like a Stab move, it has become a damage-over-time move. Maybe they changed it in Heart Gold & Soul Silver. I don't know. I just know that it used to be one of the most powerful ghost-type attacks, and they ruined it. Mine you, it's still stronger than wrap, fire spin, sand tomb, and whirl pool. But still...

I'm also not a fan of some of the name of the Gym badges. Mind you, I do like the designs on the gym leaders, the badges, and the puzzles to get the to the gym leader. How many games have you skim through books, ride roller coasters, or fly from cannons? Not very damn many.

The move pools could have been a bit better on the newer Pokémon, obviously making the classics more superior because they now have a bigger move pool; and the designs on some of them, and even the names, could have been better. Vanillite!? Where the hell is Chocolite, Strawberrite, and BananaSplite!? Gothita? Really? A gothic lolita!? The hell? Throh and Sawk, just so you two know, you will NEVER replace Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee. They will beat your bootybutts faaaar into the ground. Tympole will never replace Poliwag, and Roggenrola will never replace Geodude. Timburr... I don't know what is up with that one, but the skinflabs on my two females is enough to make me never want to use them again. The concept is alright on Timburr and its stages, but I have no idea what the hell it is suppose to be? A beaver? When I think of Timburr, I'd think of maybe a Water/fighting type. Maybe it was suppose to start out was a beaver and got horrible genetically morphed. Who knows. I just think they could have spent more time designing the Pokémon, rather than... just kinda quick-sketching, because heaven forbid, you have a deadline to meet and sales to be had.

I do, however, find myself at a weakness for Audino. Maybe it's the girl in me. I don't know, but how can I not love a bunny with fairy ears? ._. Could be because I'm going to school to be a "Nurse Joy", as one of my friends puts it so humorously. I've always been a Chansey and Blissy fan. And now I can add Audino to that list. I wouldn't be surprised if they replaced Chansey in the new cartoon series with it... I really wouldn't. I'd be pissed, mind you, because you CANNOT replace Chansey. Oh well.

Anyway, I'm on spring break from one of my two colleges, which means slightly more free time. I'll probably be posting my thoughts up on the following two games: Dragon Quest I&II and Dragon Quest III. Look for another update probably later this week.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

New and improved... soon.

Yea, I created a new blog. I had to. The old url ( was too painful for my eyes to look on. So now that I have this, I will eventually get around to updating this along with my LiveJournal (

What do I plan to use -this- for? Well, I tend to do a lot of writing, listening to music, watch animé (Hell, when I have the time), playing video games, reading books, ect. The usual. I'll use this to post -my- opinions on them. Also, you may occasionally catch a rant about something, and even an entree about cooking or baking. I love cooking and baking, especially when I have. The. Time.

Anywho~, I'm out for the day. Classes to register for, tests to study for, and that kind of stuff. A college life is never as it seems.
