Tuesday, February 22, 2011

New and improved... soon.

Yea, I created a new blog. I had to. The old url (http://kitshelairiskitsune.blogspot.com/2011/02/wow-this-is-old.html) was too painful for my eyes to look on. So now that I have this, I will eventually get around to updating this along with my LiveJournal (http://daniikins.livejournal.com/).

What do I plan to use -this- for? Well, I tend to do a lot of writing, listening to music, watch animé (Hell, when I have the time), playing video games, reading books, ect. The usual. I'll use this to post -my- opinions on them. Also, you may occasionally catch a rant about something, and even an entree about cooking or baking. I love cooking and baking, especially when I have. The. Time.

Anywho~, I'm out for the day. Classes to register for, tests to study for, and that kind of stuff. A college life is never as it seems.


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