Thursday, March 24, 2011

Yup. Games.

Skipping through the formalities, lately I've had quite the plateful of video games going on. I've been playing Pokémon Black&White while sculpting my Final Fantasy castles on Minecraft. Yup, I'm addicted to Minecraft. Or as my friend Dave calls it "Mindcrack". And yes, I've been playing Pokémon Black&White at the same time. You might be all, "Omg nowai. Howudodat?" Well, there is really nothing to it. ._. It's a turn-based game. It's stupidly easy to do... You just need to have 2-3 DSs. In my case, I have a DSi and two DSLites. So if I wanted to, I could play either my HeartGold, SoulSilver, or my Platinum game along with it. But, why would I do that, when I already have three games running? I -could-, but I won't. The movement between the idle battles on Pokémon, and switching between those and straining focus on Minecraft has been enough to make headaches occur and yes, even at times, make me motion sick. Motion sickness sucks, by the way, for those who don't know.

Anyway, I must say, about what I've played through on Black&White so far... The story line is... kinda interesting to some degree. It's short, mind you, but none the less, it is rather interesting. I'm not a fan of a lot of the newer Pokémon, but then again, in a world of classic games that eventually go too far, who is? I do like some of them, mind you. Emolga is just frickin' adorable, though due to it's stats and move pool, I'd never use it on my team. I am, however, disappointed with the starting Pokémon. What's this? ANOTHER FIRE/FIGHTING TYPE!?!?!?! What ever happened to the Fire/Flying or the pure Fire types? Oh wait. They became non-existant when everyone went on their Blazekin rave. Mind you, I absolutely loved Blazekin. I also don't like how they changed some of the moves around. Some of them are pretty good, but then others I wish they hadn't changed. Here is an example.

So, I'm leveling up my Munna (for those who don't know what the hell that is, it's a purple elephant that eats dreams. Kind of like a Heffalump). Upon reaching the right level, my Munna learns Nightmare. My reaction from my past experience with my love for Gengar and Spiritomb was, "Fuck yea! I loves me the Nightmare!" Well, uhh... It sucks balls now. Instead of being like a Stab move, it has become a damage-over-time move. Maybe they changed it in Heart Gold & Soul Silver. I don't know. I just know that it used to be one of the most powerful ghost-type attacks, and they ruined it. Mine you, it's still stronger than wrap, fire spin, sand tomb, and whirl pool. But still...

I'm also not a fan of some of the name of the Gym badges. Mind you, I do like the designs on the gym leaders, the badges, and the puzzles to get the to the gym leader. How many games have you skim through books, ride roller coasters, or fly from cannons? Not very damn many.

The move pools could have been a bit better on the newer Pokémon, obviously making the classics more superior because they now have a bigger move pool; and the designs on some of them, and even the names, could have been better. Vanillite!? Where the hell is Chocolite, Strawberrite, and BananaSplite!? Gothita? Really? A gothic lolita!? The hell? Throh and Sawk, just so you two know, you will NEVER replace Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee. They will beat your bootybutts faaaar into the ground. Tympole will never replace Poliwag, and Roggenrola will never replace Geodude. Timburr... I don't know what is up with that one, but the skinflabs on my two females is enough to make me never want to use them again. The concept is alright on Timburr and its stages, but I have no idea what the hell it is suppose to be? A beaver? When I think of Timburr, I'd think of maybe a Water/fighting type. Maybe it was suppose to start out was a beaver and got horrible genetically morphed. Who knows. I just think they could have spent more time designing the Pokémon, rather than... just kinda quick-sketching, because heaven forbid, you have a deadline to meet and sales to be had.

I do, however, find myself at a weakness for Audino. Maybe it's the girl in me. I don't know, but how can I not love a bunny with fairy ears? ._. Could be because I'm going to school to be a "Nurse Joy", as one of my friends puts it so humorously. I've always been a Chansey and Blissy fan. And now I can add Audino to that list. I wouldn't be surprised if they replaced Chansey in the new cartoon series with it... I really wouldn't. I'd be pissed, mind you, because you CANNOT replace Chansey. Oh well.

Anyway, I'm on spring break from one of my two colleges, which means slightly more free time. I'll probably be posting my thoughts up on the following two games: Dragon Quest I&II and Dragon Quest III. Look for another update probably later this week.


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