Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Homework Monster woke up. Homework Monster attacked with...

Yeaaa... That's right. ): College started back up this week. That means loads of homework and limited time for video games. No more can I marvel at my Minecraft creations. (Oh man, whatever will I do without my Minecraft~. /sarcasm)

Any way, on top of starting school, I started a 10 week reading challenge for myself. I'm started reading the brilliant book by Richard Dawkins entitled The Greatest Show On Earth. This man... he is fuckin' brilliant! I loved his series The Blind Watchmaker. I'm still interested in reading the book to that. He has so many good books, that I totally fan-girl over them. Even if my shameful country is included with this so-called "40 per-centers". Hell, I knew when it wasn't included in the "#1 Best Sellers" list, that uh... the U.S. was going to be in there. And sure enough, it was. I got a good laugh out of it. It's so true, and that's exactly why I hate my country some times. Because you have uneducated, religious things who think they're people, on top of thinking that you can teach the fictional course such as Creationism. Any teacher who teaches that, it must be painful for the scientist, but the teacher who enjoys teaching fables who is not an English major should uh... not have a job. .__. (That was the nicest thing I could say about it.) This book... oh man. It's so wonderful. And I'm not even all the way through the first chapter yet. Richard Dawkins, you may already know this, but you are a BRILLIANT man! I know that this book is going to be a good read. :)

I should also mention that I'm almost done with the first book to the Harry Potter series. It's a pretty quick read, I think. It flows nice and smooth, doesn't dabble any, and is straight to the point. Brilliant book as well. I can't believe I've waited this long in my life to read it. I'm looking forward to getting the second book eventually. When I'll have the time to read it, I have no idea.

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