Saturday, October 22, 2011

It appears to be a very anime-season.

I’d be much more happier if I actually had time through school to sit down and watch these, but about the only thing I have time in my schedule for is the new Thundercats series and Adventure Time. HOWEVER, for those who didn’t know, the lovely G4 has been kind enough to adapt some popular Marvel anime cartoons into their busy schedule. (When I say busy, I mean too lazy to take some of their more horrid shows and replace them with these little gold nuggets.)
Those unaware, the new anime series that hit the television this late summer/early autumn were Wolverine, Iron Man, Blade, and X-men.
You can watch their trailers via: or hit ‘em up on youtube.
You can also get more information on them here:
X-men will be showing Fridays at 11pm ET, or Sundays at 9am ET.
Wolverine was apparently on last Thursday at 9am. What a “convenient” time. .-. Maybe if G4 took some of their COP and Cheater shows down, they could make more room for their so-called “Marvel Friday”. Having just X-men on at 11pm on a Friday isn’t exactly a “Marvel Friday”.
In any case, if you’re interested in checking any of these out, you can check it out here:
The above link will help you determine possible times.

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