Saturday, November 12, 2011


Through all the stress of school, I've been seriously contemplating on some things pretty hardcore.

Been noticing how many writty things I have. Or, places where I can keep some sort of journal. (LJ, Tumblr, Deviantart, BlogSpot...) I think through school, I should try to write a little more on those. I feel like if I do, it'll not just keep my stress level down, but it'll also help increase my creativity. I have so many ideas flowing through my head, on top of a collab project which I've been wanting to start for nearly a year now, with my bff Nightborn. So many books yet to read, so many things left to write, so much anime left to watch, and yet here I am, still busy in school.

Provided I don't pass my Pharm class, I'll probably have to pick up a second job just to 1) get hours, and 2) pay back my student loans. While that goes on, I can see myself having more luxury to write again;; though, I really do hope I pass my Pharmacology class. It's not easy, but I'm too stubborn to back down. Some days I think I should've been born a Taurus instead of a Cancer.


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