Saturday, November 12, 2011


Through all the stress of school, I've been seriously contemplating on some things pretty hardcore.

Been noticing how many writty things I have. Or, places where I can keep some sort of journal. (LJ, Tumblr, Deviantart, BlogSpot...) I think through school, I should try to write a little more on those. I feel like if I do, it'll not just keep my stress level down, but it'll also help increase my creativity. I have so many ideas flowing through my head, on top of a collab project which I've been wanting to start for nearly a year now, with my bff Nightborn. So many books yet to read, so many things left to write, so much anime left to watch, and yet here I am, still busy in school.

Provided I don't pass my Pharm class, I'll probably have to pick up a second job just to 1) get hours, and 2) pay back my student loans. While that goes on, I can see myself having more luxury to write again;; though, I really do hope I pass my Pharmacology class. It's not easy, but I'm too stubborn to back down. Some days I think I should've been born a Taurus instead of a Cancer.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Another semi-large update the fewest words possible.

To start off, Pharmacology is kicking my ass at school. Out of 15 people, 13 are failing. We all study our asses off--myself included. The professor can't teach. Simple as that.

Next to studying most of my days away, I started playing Breath of Fire (1) for the GBA. Believe me, the SNES version is top priority on my list. However, I was close to beating the game, when I found out that using one of the badass dragon spells.... can, well, only be used once... .-. Which means i'm not going to get the ZOMGAWESOMEBEST ending. Lame. Oh well. I also fixed my NESten. <3 Which made me happy until I found out that the copy of FF2 I have was horribly translated. I went on a rant about that on my tumblr. "sldkfjsld5 lskd34lkjl" is not what I'd like to see upon winning a battle. Just sayin'. So I picked up my GBA and started playing that. Things were going fine and dandy on there, until just tonight it started to act wonky when I'd go to save. Siiigh. Looks like I'm going to have to pick up another copy of FF I&II Dawn of Souls. There are reasons why I love Amazon. Unfortunately, I cannot buy anything until it gets closer to December. Why? Because I want to fly out to see my boyfriend again. .-. And, tickets aren't exactly cheap. At least, not for me. I'll probably be looking at anywhere from $500-600. But uh... if it does end up being over $500, sorry hon, but I can't do that. I could use that to buy some christmas presents to put under our tree this year. Seeings as money is pretty tight at home. Thus is life though.

After messing with FFII, I decided to try playing Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories on my VBA. What do I have to say to it? Meh. It's... alright. But then again, I just started it, so I guess I'll have to wait to find out. Sometime tells me I'm already fucking up on that though.

My kitten that I picked up in July is also finally able to get fixed. He goes next Tuesday. Which makes me happy, because then I don't have to worry about him being a man whore, getting other strays in the neighborhood pregos (heaven forbid we have enough stray cats as it is. I certainly don't need him contributing to that.), don't have to worry about him spraying, and no worries about him getting testicular cancer. <3 I'm quite on top of things. I do wish, however, that my folks would hurry up and get the puppy-that-they-just-had-to-have her vaccinations. If they miss a certain time frame, they have to start her vaccination series allllllll over again. On top of that, there's been a pretty nasty Lepto outbreak around here. And I for one, don't want to get Lepto. If I get it from that puppy, there are going to be problems. .___. Serious problems.

However, I must get back to studying for my classes, seeings as they're all kind of kicking my ass lately, on top of starting to come down with some kind of illness. Hrm!!