Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I... have made... partial progress... I am not dead. O_o Just throwin' that out there.

I have made quite the progress on my Black&White versions. Though I've also been swamped with schoolwork. (Yeah, what else is new? That's why I've personally excluded myself from the questions, "What's new?" and "What are you doing?" Because generally it's doing homework while multitasking with playing some sort of handheld. Generally one of my Pokémon games, because I don't have to put much attention forth to them. That is one reason why they are one of my favorite series. Because... I can play multiple games at once, OR, I can actually do schoolwork AND STILL PLAY GAMES! <: It's magical.

I haven't made much progress on either Yellow versions, but they're almost beaten. I think I'm on the 6th or 7th badge. I've had my desktop powered down for a few days, so I can't really say off hand. I've made it to the 7th gym badge on my Black Version, and the 8th on my White version. I also still have to go to Toys'R'Us so I can get my eggies. *-* But... I still have until the end of May to do that. /yawn~ I'm in no real hurry to get those. I've still got many real life things to take care of, such as plant my garden, and start reading these mountains of books I have accumulated... My whole 10 week reading challenge? Failed. Haha! I've been so swamped. I haven't really had much time to read. (I exclude reading textbooks as reading... because... it's kind of forced...)

Also, I happily order a commission from one of my favorite artists. I'm so excited to see the finished results. <3 For those of you who actually read this and are curious, check out this: She does wonderful commissions. <3

Lastly, because I have nowhere else to put a quote that I've direly been searching to fit somewhere, here is where I'll put it. "I don't care if I get motion sick. I want to play games beside you. You are my best friend, and my lover. I would do absolutely anything for you. Even if it means throwing up now and then. Big deal. It's just stomach acid. Just as long as I'm beside you, that's all that really matters."

-Danii, signing off... from a rough and sketchy, as well as unorganized blog. xD